Redjack for Utilities

The insight you need to protect your organization and customers

Cybersecurity is an increasing concern for utility companies, extending beyond the organizational level to the national level. Utilities—including water, energy, communications, and other essential services—are classified as critical infrastructure by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

The recent National Security Memorandum on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience, issued by the White House on April 30, 2024, underscores the critical importance of safeguarding America’s vital infrastructure. In fact, according to the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024, 69.6% of attacks that X-Force responded to in 2023 were against critical infrastructure organizations.

Utilities face several significant cybersecurity challenges. They contend with state-sponsored actors employing advanced persistent threats (APTs) and ransomware. Supply chain vulnerabilities pose another threat, as dependencies on third-party vendors and suppliers create exploitable weak points.

Additionally, legacy systems and infrastructure, often outdated and unpatched, lack modern security controls and comprehensive oversight. Operational technology (OT) security is also a concern, as systems originally designed without internet connectivity are now online, leaving them inadequately protected.

Furthermore, the increasing concern over cyberattacks has led to a rise in compliance and regulatory requirements, adding another layer of complexity to utility companies’ cybersecurity efforts.

Redjack gives you the comprehensive view of assets and dependencies you need to empower your cybersecurity, compliance, and digital transformation efforts and create a more cyber-resilient organization.

Read our solution brief to learn more.

Kristen Jacobsen

Kristen is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Redjack.

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