Redjack for Financial Services

The insight you need to protect your organization and customers

A lot of ink has been spilled about cybersecurity threats to the financial services industry. Articles cover a veritable laundry list of threats including advanced persistent threats (APTs), ransomware, phishing attacks, and insider threats, just to name a few. Financial services leaders have to wrestle with cloud adoption, mobile banking, the cybersecurity talent shortage, and managing third-party risks and legacy IT systems all while while preventing data breaches and ensuring regulatory compliance.

In order to secure your environment you need to know what to protect. An accurate asset inventory provides visibility into your organization’s technology landscape. Without an inventory, your organization may overlook critical components, making it easier for attackers to exploit weak points.

Redjack gives you visibility into your environment on an ongoing basis that lets you understand the connections between assets, identify areas of risk, and prioritize which measures to take.

Download our solution brief to learn more.

Kristen Jacobsen

Kristen is the Senior Content Marketing Manager at Redjack.

Introduction to the Redjack Cyber Resilience Platform


How Redjack Improves Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning