Four Ways Redjack Improves Your Attack Surface Management Solution

Attack surface management (ASM), as defined by Forrester, involves “continuously discovering, identifying, inventorying, and assessing exposures within an entity’s IT asset estate.” ASM approaches cybersecurity from the attacker’s perspective, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all attacker-exposed IT assets within an organization. 

As attack surfaces constantly change and hackers automate reconnaissance tools, using asset discovery to thoroughly map and inventory all assets is essential for identifying your organization's complete attack surface. 

How Redjack improves your attack surface management

1 Comprehensive visibility through superior asset discovery

Attack surface management solutions often suffer from limited visibility, especially in complex or rapidly changing environments, leading to blind spots and security gaps. The Redjack cyber resilience platform addresses this by using software-based network sensors to collect communications data and discover all connected assets within your organization's network. Unlike legacy asset inventory solutions that rely on aggregating data from disparate sources and only provide a view of known assets, Redjack's approach uncovers assets that are typically overlooked. Additionally, the platform continuously monitors for changes in your environment, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information and complete visibility.

2 Strategically reduce risk by focusing on your business priorities

Reducing risk requires adopting a business function perspective, which allows you to prioritize vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses in critical areas of your organization. The Redjack platform uses data science techniques such as pattern recognition, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics to identify and assess the relationships and interdependencies between your critical business functions and the assets that support them. This comprehensive understanding of your infrastructure reveals your biggest risks and encourages a shift from IT-centric thinking to a business-focused perspective. By aligning attack surface management with your organization’s overarching business objectives and priorities, you can more effectively protect your most vital operations.

3 Improve business continuity and resilience

By proactively managing and reducing your attack surface, you can enhance your overall cyber resilience and ensure continuity of operations, even in the face of cyber threats and attacks. The Redjack cyber resilience platform provides evidence-based insights into how your environment truly functions. It identifies your assets and the dependencies between them and critical business functions, allowing you to pinpoint key assets and more accurately assess the financial and operational impacts of a disruption. An accurate asset inventory combined with a comprehensive understanding of dependencies forms the foundation of a realistic recovery plan that can adapt to evolving infrastructural changes.

4 Ease the ASM resource burden

With legacy ASM solutions, scanning activities disrupt normal business operations. Also, as your organization grows and expands its digital footprint, scalability becomes an issue, leading to performance degradation or limitations in coverage. Redjack’s battle-tested sensors, already in use across numerous customer deployments, are designed to be massively scalable, capable of analyzing up to 2 petabytes of data per second and capturing business interactions seamlessly. Deployment is both lightweight and cost-effective, ensuring minimal disruption to operations. Unlike solutions that utilize active scanning, which can clog your network and slow it down, the Redjack platform’s sensors collect information passively, maintaining network performance while providing comprehensive visibility.

Failure-proof your organization with Redjack

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective attack surface management is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity and ensuring business continuity. The Redjack cyber resilience platform improves your existing attack surface management solution by providing unparalleled visibility through superior asset discovery, enabling organizations to uncover and monitor all connected assets within their network. 

By strategically focusing on business priorities, Redjack helps prioritize vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses where they matter most, aligning cybersecurity efforts with overarching business objectives. Additionally, the platform's comprehensive understanding of asset dependencies facilitates the creation of realistic and adaptive recovery plans, enhancing overall resilience. Finally, Redjack’s scalable and non-disruptive deployment ensures minimal impact on business operations, making it an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to proactively manage and reduce their attack surface. 

With Redjack, businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of cybersecurity, securing their most critical operations against ever-increasing threats.

Contact us to discover how Redjack has helped large organizations achieve genuine cyber resilience.

Christina Cravens

Christina is the Chief Growth Officer at Redjack.

Redjack for Utilities


Guide to Attack Surface Management